I have completed the transmission of parallel data between 8255 and pc , and the data - sample based on the 14 - bit high - speed a / d converter and dma controller 完成了8255与pc机之间的并行通讯、高速14位a / d转换器与dma控制器的数据采集等软件。
This paper adopts the top - down method to divide the dma controller 8237 into 4 function modules according to the requirement of the system and the function and behaviors of 8237 本文从dicta控制器8237的功能出发,采用自上而下的设计方法,按照系统的要求和8237的行为和功能,将8237划分为四大功能模块。
Also have introduced the function and realization of pci32 module , dma controller module , fifo module , the configuration space module , outside fifo controlling module in the main program at length 详细介绍了主程序中的pci32模块、 dma控制器模块、 fifo模块、配置空间模块、外部fifo控制模块的功能和实现。
The map - ca dsp which is made by equator inc provide a hardware base of handling video stream : vliw core cpu ; datastreamer dma controller ; variable length encoder / decoder Equator公司高性能dsp芯片mapca为视频留的实时处理提供了硬件基础: vilw结构的核心处理器; datastreamerdma控制器;可变长编码解码协处理器等。